Top Business Lead Generation Ideas - Find what you are looking for

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Top Business Lead Generation Ideas

Top Business Lead Generation Ideas

Top Business Lead Generation Ideas

check out the 101 creative lead generation idea, strategy, techniques, tips-
1. Create and share a resource guide for accomplishing a specific task in the best possible manner.
2. Send surveys to your potential buyers instead of sending the same traditional marketing emails.
3. Send giveaways such as a free sample product or free trial or an ebook if you wish them to subscribe to your newsletter.
4. Do a live public challenge to achieve something that actually interests users.
5. The “free first look” concept always works. Whether you are planning to launch a new book, an app or a product, let your users get a taste of it by sending them a free trial sample.
6. Run a viral contest inviting people to sign up for content/freebies. The more they share or tweet about the content, the better are their chances to win.
7. Don’t give away generic products or prizes through your contests as they may attract irrelevant audiences which you’ll find difficult to filter.
8. Host a virtual summit or video conference where interested people can join using their email or other data.
9. Create a community or participate in existing communities to find and connect with like-minded people who can convert into leads or help you generate new leads.
10. Attend industry events and create and share event transcripts with your existing and potential customers who might be interested in learning about such events.
11. Create ‘how-to’ webinar and videos to help people in your industry with tasks specific and surrounding the use of your products and services.
12. Build and provide a free tool. Another great item to add to your freebies list is a free tool like a plugin, keyword research tool or anything else that your users might love to use.
13. Help your users through a Q&A webinar: Organize a question-answer webinar and share your knowledge with interested users.
14. Create content in multiple formats for every kind of buyer and to guide them at each stage of the buyer journey.
15. Create a video for your product/service, be it an introduction video or an explainer video tutorial, people might love it.
16. Increase traffic by exchanging leads with companies that provide complimentary service to your offerings.
17. Host an online stream with your potential customers and users, and include a link to your other videos or to a landing page on your website where viewers can find more information.
18. Host a webinar in partnership with one of the industry experts and benefit from each other’s traffic.
19. Use predictive marketing tools to find and target the right leads and markets for your product/service.
20. Combine both organic (SEO) and inorganic (paid) strategies in your marketing campaign to further increase traffic to your website and convert more leads.
21. Avoid using word “spam” while promoting your website visitors to sign up for a newsletter.
22. Attend local meetups to try and meet with people who might be interested in your product/service or help you find more leads.
23. Create downloadable podcasts to benefit those potential customers who prefer to listen to the useful content while traveling or so.
24. Make sure to define and target the right audience to be able to generate qualifying leads.
25. Test and add proper “call-to-action” on the right places of your target landing pages to convince visitors to take an action.
26. Bring leads from LinkedIn by connecting with people who have already viewed your profile.
27. Make and send demo videos to the users of your product, especially if your products are complex to use.
28. Use the analytic data to find out the pitfalls or problems your buyers are facing through their shopping journey on your website.
29. Rather than placing a lot of options, give your users only a few, select choices to decrease the confusion and in turn, increase the number of leads.
30. Analyse your blog posts to find out the ones people already love and upgrade content to add extra value to them. Ask visitors to enter email to receive the new updates.
31. Make sure to add a link to your landing page to your YouTube video to direct viewers who watch your videos.
32. Regularly create great and relevant content that is useful to your target users and use it for lead generation.
33. Ask users to enter their email address before they can watch a video or content on your site. Make sure that your content is interesting enough.
34. Use effective popups with attractive offers such as free eBook or free content upgrade to make more users sign up.
35. Write a guest post and add a link to a landing page made just for the readers of that post. It will surely give you some great leads.
36. Create and promote landing pages on LinkedIn offering freebies, courses, eBook, etc.
37. Create beautiful and personalized forms and optimize them for SEO and the readers.
38. Ask users for email in exchange for a downloadable version of your popular and most excellent posts.
39. Use slide-in popups to show ads based on user interest and activity.
40. Create targeted social ads with features like behavioral targeting and lookalike audiences.
41. Hire CRO experts who can help you customize and improve your website’s conversion rate.
42. Have a great and properly optimized about page with which users can connect and get to know about you and your business.
43. Create a whitepaper or report on whatever is trending in your industry. Ask users for email in order to view the content.

44. If your business involves using a lot of images, use Pinterest to post promotional pinslinking to targeted posts on your website.
45. Trust data over people when it comes to optimizing and making new decisions for improving your products/services.
46. Blog constantly on your official business website by scheduling a proper blog calendar. Do this for at least 6 months to see actual results.
47. Create a trial course for email signups and send the same as a gift to your existing email subscribers. Ask them to take a certain action to get the full course.
48. Always send marketing emails from an official email account, personalized with your name and identify.
49. Always include the main website or landing page link in your email signature.
50. Make the forms on your website simple and easy to fill.
51. Keep in constant touch with your sale team and use their quantitative feedback with your own qualitative analysis to make better decisions.
52. Create long, in-depth and evergreen posts and keep them optimized for freshness.
53. Encourage visitors to take an action by offering them attractive discounts or coupons
54. Hold online or live events and ask users to register via email or opt-in for future event reminders through email.
55. Use exit-detection to identify visitors as they are about to leave your website and show them relevant call-to-action.
56. Use tools like Followerwonk to identify leads on Twitter and other social sites.
57. Create blogs posts comparing your products with the similar products of your competitors to make it easy for the buyer to make a decision.
58. Use the custom tab option on Facebook to add a direct link to your landing page or contact option for the users.
59. Create several calls to action (CTAs) on your website leading to a landing page that offers a free eBook or free trial of a service/product.
60. Create multiple promotional tweets to give your customers enough opportunities to subscribe.
61. Put a sign-up button on the Header/Menu of your website to make it easier for visitors to join.
62. Use existing deal sites like Groupon to attract more visitors by offering discounts.
63. Create better and more user relevant calls to action on your site.
64. Use LinkedIn publishing platform to write about your product, service and in general to help your customers and get more leads.
65. Make sure that your landing page matches with the text/message displayed on your Adwords ads.
66. Pay a reward or referral bonus to every customer who brings more customers to your platform.
67. Have a dedicated pricing page on your website with the option to submit a ‘request for quote’.
68. Use Twitter lead cards to further generate substantial leads to your website.
69. Add a live chat option to your website making it easier for your users to get instant resolutions to their queries.
70. Create a landing page for a group challenge inviting a specific set of users to participate in the challenge to achieve a certain goal.
71. Guest blog on high-quality industry relevant sites
72. Create a profile and answer relevant questions on Quora to create a buzz about your product/services.
73. Put a phone number (preferably a toll-free one) on your website’s homepage if you really want that telephone to ring with leads.
74. Use your social media pages to create interactive posts like quizzes and ask users to opt-in to see detailed results and winners.
75. Make sure that all your content, ads and marketing campaigns focus on one consistent message that you want to deliver.
76. Use Slideshare to create direct links to the landing pages on your website.
77. Include an option to “request a demo” of your software/product in the Header/Menu of your website.
78. Offer a coupon or other discount to people who visit your website for the first time to ensure a follow through.
79. Use lifestyle marketing tools and strategies to retain the leads once you’ve got them.
80. Use Twitter to find and engage in real-time with people who are interested in what you offer.
81. Use Calls to Action (CTA) specific to a particular blog post to solve queries/problems of your visitors.
Blog Calls to Action
82. Make sure to add the link to your landing page on your business cards to help guide potential users toward the right place.
83. Test with new lead generation techniques and engaging content to keep your relevant in whatever you offer.
84. Use Google+ communities to engage with like-minded people and drive them to your website.
85. Create and use drip email campaigns to naturally convey your product to potential customers.
86. Include a link to your landing page rather than simply putting your homepage link while publishing a press release.
87. Test colors on your action buttons and record response to different colours.
Test colours on your action buttons
88. Promote your product offline by making frequent television appearances and getting the word out as much as possible.
89. Make sure to add a CTA (Call to action) box to every post on your blog.
90. Research and find the biggest questions your customers are asking and try to answer them through blog posts.
91. Make your marketing calls more efficient by knowing everything there is to know about the person you are calling.
92. Offer your content with options like downloading/reading in multiple formats, including a video and audio format if possible.
93. Personalize your website and marketing content by industry
94. Partner with other leading companies/people in your industry as affiliate or business partner with the aim to generate more leads to your business.
95. Use Medium to re-publish your posts that are already trending but can benefit from more reach.
96. Write content for every stage of the buying cycle and make them accessible.
Write content for every stage of the buying cycle
97. Offer Pro (Premium) plans for your product to your most benefitting influencers.
98. Add a subscription link to the most unlikely yet profitable places on your website or landing pages.
99. Establish trust by providing great content/product and even superior after services.
100. Get featured on popular product review and directory sites. Ask your users to write reviews.
101. Use pop-ups on your website. No matter how infamous they are, popups are known to increase subscription rates.
These tips for increasing leads should work for almost every case and industry. If you need more ideas or want to discuss a project, do reach our manager by using the contact us form.
SAG IPL is a leading IT development and online marketing firm providing lead generation services to clients all over the world.

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